Archive page of - IMACLIM-NLU

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You can archive the current version 1.0 of model IMACLIM-NLU in a pdf file.

The current version 1.0 will be used in the title of the pdf-file and the Archived version page. If this version number is not correct than adjust the model version before archiving. Use the Edit About button in your model page IMACLIM-NLU

Archiving steps:

  1. Open Snapshot of - IMACLIM-NLU in a new tab (press Ctrl + link)
  2. Use the Print function of your browser (Ctrl P); select as Printer 'Adobe PDF'; click Print and save as Archive of IMACLIM-NLU version 1.0.pdf

When the pdf-file with the archived version has been saved on your system then