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About-Documentation AIM-Enduse India documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation AIM-Enduse Japan documentation is limited and consists of a reference card AIM-Hub documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation AIM-Hub Indonesia documentation is limited and consists of a reference card AIM-Hub Korea documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation AIM-Hub Thailand documentation is limited and consists of a reference card AIM-Hub Viet Nam documentation is limited and consists of a reference card BET documentation is limited and consists of a reference card BLUES documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation C3IAM documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation COFFEE-TEA documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation China TIMES documentation is limited and consists of a reference card DART documentation is limited and consists of a reference card DNE21+ documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation E3ME-FTT documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation ENV-Linkages documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation ENVISAGE documentation is limited and consists of a reference card EPPA documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation Euro-Calliope documentation is limited and consists of a reference card GCAM documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation GCAM-KAIST documentation is limited and consists of a reference card GCAM-KSA documentation is limited and consists of a reference card GEM-E3 documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation GENeSYS-MOD documentation is limited and consists of a reference card GMM documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation GRACE documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation ICES documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation IFs documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation IMACLIM documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation IMACLIM-India documentation is limited and consists of a reference card IMACLIM-NLU documentation is limited and consists of a reference card IMAGE documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation IPAC-AIM technology documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation IPAC-Global documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation IPETS documentation is limited and consists of a reference card MARKAL-India documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation MEDEAS documentation is limited and consists of a reference card MERGE-ETL documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation MESSAGE Korea documentation is limited and consists of a reference card MESSAGE-GLOBIOM documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation MIGRATION documentation is limited and consists of a reference card MUSE documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation McKinsey documentation is limited and consists of a reference card POLES documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation PRIMES documentation is limited and consists of a reference card PROMETHEUS documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation REMIND-MAgPIE documentation consists of a referencecard and detailed model documentation REMod documentation is limited and consists of a reference card RICE50+ documentation is limited and consists of a reference card The query description has an empty condition.
About-Institution Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), India, https://www.iima.ac.in/. Kyoto University (KU), Japan, https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/., National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan, . National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan, https://www.nies.go.jp/index-e.html., Kyoto-University (Kyoto-University), Japan, https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en. Center for Research on Energy Policy Institut Teknologi Bandung (CREP ITB), Indonesia, https://www.crep.itb.ac.id/. (), , . Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University (SIIT-TU), Thailand, https://www.siit.tu.ac.th/. Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (HCMIU), Viet Nam, https://ev.hcmiu.edu.vn/en/home/. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan, https://criepi.denken.or.jp/en/. COPPE/UFRJ (Cenergia), Brazil, http://www.cenergialab.coppe.ufrj.br/. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology (CEEP-BIT), China, http://ceep.bit.edu.cn/english/. COPPE/UFRJ (Cenergia), Brazil, http://www.cenergialab.coppe.ufrj.br/. Tsinghua University (Tsinghua University), China, https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/. Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), Germany, https://www.ifw-kiel.de/. Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Japan, http://www.rite.or.jp/en/. Global System Institute, University of Exeter (UNEXE), United Kingdom, https://www.exeter.ac.uk/gsi/., School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems Sciences, The Open University (OU), United Kingdom, http://www.open.ac.uk/science/environment-earth-ecosystems/., Cambridge Econometrics (CE), United Kingdom, https://www.camecon.com/. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), France, https://www.oecd.org/. The World Bank (World Bank), USA, https://www.worldbank.org/en/home. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, https://globalchange.mit.edu/. TU Delft (TU Delft), The Netherlands, https://www.tudelft.nl/. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Joint Global Change Research Institute (PNNL, JGCRI), USA, https://www.pnnl.gov/projects/jgcri. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South-Korea, https://www.kaist.ac.kr/en/. King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC), Saudi Arabia, https://www.kapsarc.org/. Institute of Communication And Computer Systems (ICCS), Greece, https://www.iccs.gr/en/. Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), Germany, https://wip.tu-berlin.de/., Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), Germany, https://www.diw.de/., Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF), Germany, https://www.uni-flensburg.de/eum. Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland, https://www.psi.ch/en. Center for International Climate Research (CICERO), Norway, https://cicero.oslo.no/en. Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), Italy, https://www.cmcc.it/. Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, University of Denver (Pardee Center), Colorado, USA, https://pardee.du.edu/. Centre international de recherche sur l'environnement et le développement (CIRED), France, http://www.centre-cired.fr., Societe de Mathematiques Appliquees et de Sciences Humaines (SMASH), France, http://www.smash.fr. Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIML), India, www.iiml.ac.in., Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), India, www.iima.ac.in. Centre international de recherche sur l'environnement et le développement (CIRED), France, http://www.centre-cired.fr., Societe de Mathematiques Appliquees et de Sciences Humaines (SMASH), France, http://www.smash.fr. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), Netherlands, https://www.pbl.nl/en. Energy Research Institute (ERI), China, http://en.cctp.org.cn/m5/product/35982.html. Energy Research Institute (ERI), China, http://en.cctp.org.cn/m5/product/35982.html. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), USA, https://ncar.ucar.edu/. The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India, www.teriin.org. Group of Energy, Economy and Systems Dynamics, University of Valladolid (GEEDS-UVa), Spain, https://geeds.es/en/. Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland, https://www.psi.ch/en. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South-Korea, https://www.kaist.ac.kr/en/. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria, http://data.ene.iiasa.ac.at. Center for the Environment and Kennedy School, Harvard University (Harvard), USA, https://environment.harvard.edu. Imperial College London (Imperial College London), UK, https://www.imperial.ac.uk/. McKinsey & Company (McKinsey), USA, https://www.mckinsey.com. JRC - Joint Research Centre - European Commission (EC-JRC), Belgium, http://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/. E3Modelling (E3M), Greece, https://e3modelling.com/. E3Modelling (E3M), Greece, https://e3modelling.com/modelling-tools. Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), Germany, https://www.pik-potsdam.de. Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE), Germany, https://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/en.html. Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), Italy, https://www.cmcc.it/. The query description has an empty condition.
About-Model link http://www.nies.go.jp/media_kit/16.AIM/Enduse.html; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.120464 https://kenoshiro.github.io/AIM-Technology-doc/; https://github.com/KUAtmos/AIMTechnology_core https://www-iam.nies.go.jp/aim/about_us/index.html https://www-iam.nies.go.jp/aim/ https://www-iam.nies.go.jp/aim/ https://www-iam.nies.go.jp/aim/ https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-020-02839-7 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-018-0213-y http://inems1.bit.edu.cn/C3IAM; https://ideas.repec.org/a/spr/nathaz/v92y2018i2d10.1007_s11069-018-3297-9.html; https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-15453-z https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/TIMES_model; https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41467-020-15414-6/MediaObjects/41467_2020_15414_MOESM1_ESM.pdf https://www.ifw-kiel.de/institute/research-centers/global-commons-and-climate-policy/articles/dynamic-applied-regional-trade-model-dart/#:~:text=The%20Dynamic%20Applied%20Regional%20Trade,model%20of%20the%20world%20economy. https://www.rite.or.jp/system/en/global-warming-ouyou/modeltodata/overviewdne21/ https://www.e3me.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/E3ME-Technical-Manual-v6.1-onlineSML.pdf https://www.oecd.org/env/indicators-modelling-outlooks/flyer%20ENV-Linkages%20model%20-%20version%2025%20Sept%202013.pdf https://ledsgp.org/resource/technical-reference-guide-for-envisage/ https://globalchange.mit.edu/research/research-tools/eppa https://github.com/calliope-project/sector-coupled-euro-calliope https://github.com/JGCRI/gcam-core; http://jgcri.github.io/gcam-doc/toc.html http://kaistceps.quv.kr/ https://github.com/KAPSARC/gcam-ksa https://ec.europa.eu/clima/sites/clima/files/strategies/analysis/models/docs/gem_e3_long_en.pdf https://git.tu-berlin.de/genesysmod/genesys-mod-public/-/releases/genesysmod3.0; https://www.diw.de/de/diw_01.c.594278.de/publikationen/data_documentation/2018_0094/genesys-mod_v2.0_____enhancing_the_global_energy_system_mode___model_improvements__framework_changes__and_european_data_set.html; https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/10/10/1468 https://www.psi.ch/sites/default/files/import/eem/PublicationsTabelle/PSI-Bericht_13-03.pdf https://sites.google.com/view/taoyuanwei/home/grace https://www.icesmodel.org/ https://pardee.du.edu/access-ifs http://dina.centre-cired.fr/IMACLIM/Description-des-modeles-IMACLIM/?lang=en; https://github.com/GaelleLeTreut/IMACLIM-Country/tree/V1.1; https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02949396/document http://dina.centre-cired.fr/IMACLIM/Description-des-modeles-IMACLIM/?lang=en http://www2.centre-cired.fr/IMACLIM/ https://models.pbl.nl/image http://www.ipac-model.org.cn/About%20IPAC%20Model.html http://www.ipac-model.org.cn/About%20IPAC%20Model.html https://www2.cgd.ucar.edu/sections/tss/iam/iam-modeling https://www.medeas.eu/model/medeas-model https://www.psi.ch/sites/default/files/import/eem/ModelsEN/2012MergeDescription.pdf https://docs.messageix.org; http://data.ene.iiasa.ac.at/message-globiom/; https://github.com/iiasa/message_ix; https://github.com/iiasa/ixmp https://github.com/hbenveniste/mig-scenarios ; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-021-03133-w ; https://github.com/hbenveniste/mig-fund/tree/master/scen ; https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2007597117#sec-3 http://paris-reinforce.epu.ntua.gr/detailed_model_doc/muse https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/sustainability/our-insights/climate-math-what-a-1-point-5-degree-pathway-would-take http://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/poles; https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/poles-jrc-model-documentation-0 https://e3modelling.com/modelling-tools/primes/ https://e3modelling.com/modelling-tools/prometheus/ https://www.pik-potsdam.de/research/sustainable-solutions/models/remind; https://rse.pik-potsdam.de/doc/remind/2.1.3; https://github.com/remindmodel/remind/releases/tag/v2.1.3; https://github.com/magpiemodel/magpie/releases/tag/v4.2.1; https://rse.pik-potsdam.de/doc/magpie/4.2.1/ https://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/en/business-areas/power-electronics-grids-and-smart-systems/energy-system-analysis/energy-system-models-at-fraunhofer-ise/remod.html https://github.com/witch-team/RICE50xmodel; https://www.eiee.org/tool/rice50/ The query description has an empty condition.
About-Name and version AIM/Enduse India 1.0 AIM-Enduse Japan V2.1 AIM-Hub V2.2 AIM-Hub Indonesia 1.0 AIM-Hub Thailand 1.0 AIM/Hub Viet Nam 1.0 BET-GLUE 1.6-3.2 BLUES 1.0 C3IAM 2.0 COFFEE-TEA v1 China TIMES 1.0 DART -clim GTAP9 DNE21+ x E3ME-FTT-GENIE 6.2 ENV-Linkages 4 ENVISAGE 1.0 EPPA 6 Sector-Coupled Euro-Calliope 1.0 GCAM 7.0 GCAM-KAIST 1.0 GCAM-KSA 1.0 GEM-E3 _092019 GENeSYS-MOD v3.0 GMM 1.0 GRACE 2018 ICES 1.0 IFs International Futures 7.36 IMACLIM- R 1.0 IMACLIM-India 1.0 IMACLIM-NLU 1.0 IMAGE framework 3.0 IPAC-AIM/technology 1.0 IPAC-Global 1.0 IPETS 2.0 MARKAL-India 1.0 MEDEAS 1.0 MERGE-ETL 6.0 MESSAGE-Korea 1.0 MESSAGE-GLOBIOM 1.0 MIGRATION 1.0 MUSE 1.0 McKinsey 1.0 POLES ENGAGE (other versions are in use in other applications) PRIMES PRIMES 2022 PROMETHEUS 1.0 REMIND-MAgPIE 2.0-4.1 REMod v2.0 RICE50+ 2.0.0 The query description has an empty condition.
About-Process state in preparation published published in preparation published published published published published under review published published published submitted in preparation in preparation in preparation published under review in preparation published published published in preparation under review in preparation under review published in preparation published published in preparation in preparation published in preparation in preparation in preparation published published published in preparation in preparation published in preparation under review published published published The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Anticipation The ENV-Linkages model is a recursive dynamic neo-classical general equilibrium model, meaning that decision-makers do not know the future when making a decision today. After it solves each period, the model then uses the resulting state of the world, including the consequences of decisions made in that period - such as resource depletion, capital stock retirements and installations, and changes to the landscape - and then moves to the next time step and performs the same exercise. GCAM is a dynamic recursive model, meaning that decision-makers do not know the future when making a decision today. After it solves each period, the model then uses the resulting state of the world, including the consequences of decisions made in that period - such as resource depletion, capital stock retirements and installations, and changes to the landscape - and then moves to the next time step and performs the same exercise. For long-lived investments, decision-makers may account for future profit streams, but those estimates would be based on current prices. For some parts of the model, economic agents use prior experience to form expectations based on multi-period experiences. GCAM-KSA is a dynamic recursive model, meaning that decision-makers do not know the future when making a decision today. After it solves each period, the model then uses the resulting state of the world, including the consequences of decisions made in that period - such as resource depletion, capital stock retirements and installations, and changes to the landscape - and then moves to the next time step and performs the same exercise. For long-lived investments, decision-makers may account for future profit streams, but those estimates would be based on current prices. For some parts of the model, economic agents use prior experience to form expectations based on multi-period experiences. Global social planner with perfect foresight Myopic Recursive dynamics: each year the equilibrium is solved (system of non-linear equations), in between two years parameters to the equilibrium evolve according to specified functions. Recursive dynamics: each year the equilibrium is solved (system of non-linear equations), in between two years parameters to the equilibrium evolve according to specified functions. Simulation modelling framework, without foresight. However, a simplified version of the energy/climate part of the model (called FAIR) can be run prior to running the framework to obtain data for climate policy simulations. Forward looking MERGE-ETL acts as a rational global social planner with perfect foresight to maximize the global welfare. Myopic The PRIMES model is fully dynamic and has options regarding future

anticipation by agents in decision-making. Usually, PRIMES assumes perfect foresight over a short time horizon for demand sectors and perfect foresight over a long time horizon for supply sectors. The sub-models solve over the entire projection period in each cycle of interaction between demand and supply and so market equilibrium is dynamic and not static. Other options are available allowing the model user to specify shorter time horizons for

Energy system simulation.Foresight is included only is some sub-modules (i.e. electricity generation) The optimization of the transformation path assumes perfect foresight, while the underlying simulation of energy system operation is based on a 24-hour forecast with uncertainties. The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Geographical scope Regional Global Regional Regional Regional Regional Global Regional Global Global Regional Global Global Global Global Regional Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Global Regional Global Global Regional Global Regional Global Global Regional Global Global Global Global Regional Global Global Regional Global The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Model type Energy system model Energy system model CGE CGE CGE CGE CGE Integrated assessment model Integrated assessment model Integrated assessment model Integrated assessment model Energy system model CGE Integrated assessment model CGE Integrated assessment model Energy system model Integrated assessment model Integrated assessment model Integrated assessment model CGE Energy system model Energy system model CGE CGE CGE CGE CGE Integrated assessment model Energy system model Integrated assessment model Energy system model Integrated assessment model Integrated assessment model Energy system model CGE Energy system model Integrated assessment model Energy system model Energy system model CGE Energy system model CBA-integrated assessment model The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Objective National To understand, economy, energy and land-use interaction particularly related to climate policy Assess pathway of long term strategy for decarbonization to achieve net-zero emissions in Asian Countries To understand, economy, energy and land-use interaction particularly related to climate policy in Korea The Asia-Pacific Integrated Assessment Model-Hub Thailand (AIM-Hub Thailand) is developed by NIES, Kyoto University, and SIIT-TU to assess the climate mitigation scenarios in Thailand. This model is based on the AIM-Hub, a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, formerly known as the AIM/CGE model. The model covers all the economic sectors along with the set of GHGs and air pollutants. A detailed disaggregation of the energy sectors is provided including the electricity generation sector. Agricultural sectors are disaggregated to assess bioenergy and land-use activities. The AIM-Hub_Vietnam is developed, based on Asia-Pacific Integrated Modeling/Computable General Equilibrium (AIM/CGE) model which is renamed as AIM-Hub, to analyze the climate change mitigation and its impact. To meet this objective, the energy system is disaggregated into energy supply and demand sides. Agricultural sectors are also disaggregated for appropriate land-use treatment. The model is designed to have the flexibility to be used at a global and individual country scale with some relevant adjustments for Vietnam. BET-GLUE comprises an energy-economic module (BET) and a bioenergy-land-use module (GLUE).

BET is a multi-regional, inter-temporal general equilibrium model with a detailed energy system and an aggregated representation of macroeconomy that follows an optimal economic growth theory. The model explicitly handles energy service demand and end-use technologies in a global macroeconomic framework. This structure allows a systematic approach to examine trade-offs between advanced energy supply technologies and end-use efficiencies from a long-term global perspective across different mitigation policies and technologies.

GLUE is a multi-regional, global land-use and energy model, which solves the system of land-use and biomass flow balance by recursive dynamics under a set of conditions including food and wood demand. Currently, GLUE is soft-linked with BET to provide biomass feedstock potentials.
assessing the impacts of climate policies in the future development of a complex and dynamic system The models were developed at COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil, for assessing climate, land, energy and environmental policies, providing relevant information to experts and decision-makers about the possible development strategies and repercussions of long term climate scenarios. China TIMES incorporates the whole energy system and water module, including energy supply, energy conversion and transmission, end-use demand sectors, water supply and water utilization. Five demand sectors, agriculture, industry, commercial, residential (divided into urban and rural) and transportation, are considered and further divided into 43 sub-sectors in China TIMES. The modelling using China TIMES determines the least-cost mix of technologies and fuels to meet the projected energy service demands for the 43 sectors for a given social economic development scenario. DART is a global multi-sectoral, multi-regional recursive-dynamic CGE model. First developed in the 1990s, it has been widely applied to analyze environmental policies, energy policies, biofuel policies, and international climate policies. The version used here is designed to analyze climate and energy policies. E3ME is a macro-econometric model designed to assess global policy challenges. It is widely used for policy assessment, forecasting and research purposes. The modelling work based on ENV-Linkages aims to assist governments in identifying least-cost policies or policy mixes on a range of environmental issues, including mitigation of climate change, phasing out fossil fuel subsidies and other green growth policies, such as environmental tax reform, policies to promote the transition to a circular economy, including linking to material and resources. Projecting Economy, Energy, and Climate Impacts Default: to minimise the actualised total system cost, including both investment costs and operation costs for a full weather year of operation. Different objective functions are possible. GCAM is an integrated, multi-sector model that explores both human and Earth system dynamics. The role of models like GCAM is to bring multiple human and physical Earth systems together in one place to shed light on system interactions and provide scientific insights that would not otherwise be available from the pursuit of traditional disciplinary scientific research alone. GCAM is constructed to explore these interactions in a single computational platform with a sufficiently low computational requirement to allow for broad explorations of scenarios and uncertainties. Components of GCAM are designed to capture the behavior of human and physical systems, but they do not necessarily include the most detailed process-scale representations of its constituent components. On the other hand, model components in principle provide a faithful representation of the best current scientific understanding of underlying behavior. GCAM-KSA is a global integrated assessment model that explores the interactions among economy, energy, water, land, and climate systems in a single computational platform. It is a modified version of GCAM v6.0. We have separated the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) as a separate energy-economy region, i.e., GCAM–KSA includes 33 energy-economy regions (32 original regions plus KSA). The GEM-E3 model is a multi-regional, multi-sectoral, recursive dynamic hybrid computable general equilibrium (CGE) model which provides details on the macro-economy and its interaction with the environment and the energy system. It incorporates micro-economic mechanisms and institutional features within a consistent macro-economic framework. GENeSYS-MOD is aimed at creating long-term pathways for the energy system, focusing on sector-coupling of the traditionally segregated sectors electricity, buildings, industry, and transport. To achieve this, GENeSYS-MOD minimizes the net-present value of the entire energy system towards 2050. As a result, the model provides the cost-optimal capacity expansion, mix and flow of energy carriers, and emission abatement, while taking into account flexibility options and climate targets. GMM is a cost optimization energy systems model that determines the least-cost combination of technologies and fuels to satisfy demands and fulfil other constraints, from the perspective of a single social planner. GMM has a bottom-up representation of the energy system of 17 world regions, with a detailed representation of energy supply technologies and an aggregate representation of demand technologies. The model aims primarily to estimating how economic indicators defined in the national accounts interact with climate-related factors. for example, climate policies are represented by e.g. quotas or taxes on emissions, to show the economic consequences in world regions under projections. ICES is a recursive dynamic multi-region and multi-sector Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model used to assess impacts of climate change on the economic system and to study mitigation and adaptation policies. Imaclim-R is intended to study the interactions between energy systems and the economy, to assess the feasibility of low carbon development strategies and the transition pathway towards low carbon future. Economy-wide model Imaclim-NLU is intended to study the interactions between energy systems and the economy, to assess the feasibility of low carbon development strategies and the transition pathway towards low carbon future. IMAGE is an ecological-environmental model framework that simulates the environmental consequences of human activities worldwide. The objective of the IMAGE model is to explore the long- term dynamics and impacts of global changes that result. More specifically, the model aims
  1. to analyse interactions between human development and the natural environment to gain better insight into the processes of global environmental change;
  2. to identify response strategies to global environmental change based on assessment of options and
  3. to indicate key inter-linkages and associated levels of uncertainty in processes of global environmental change.
The IPAC-AIM/technology model was developed based on AIM/end use model, which is part of the Asian-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM), which was developed by the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and Kyoto University. It is a bottom-up, energy-technology model. Based on detailed descriptions of energy services and technologies, it calculates the total energy consumption and production in a bottom-up manner. This model has been used to analyze several key countries in the Asian region including China, India, Indonesia, and Japan etc. The AIM/end-use models for key Asian developing countries have been constructed, and the results of analyses using this model have been reported (Jiang et al., 1998; Hu et al., 1996). Among the advantages of bottom-up models, the most important is that their results can be interpreted clearly because they are based on detailed descriptions of changes in human activities and technologies. IPAC-Global model is an extended version of the AIM-Linkage model used in IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES). This model links the social and economy development, energy activities and land use activities, and forms a full range of emission analysis. IPAC includes mainly four parts: (1) society, economy and energy activities module, which mainly analyzes the demand and supply in the condition of social and economic development, and determines the energy prices; (2) energy technology module, which analyzes the short and mid-term energy utilization technologies under different conditions, and determines the energy demand under different technology compositions. The energy demand in energy technology module will modify the short and mid-term energy demand in society, economy and energy activities module, which makes the energy analysis in macro-economic model better reflect the short and mid-term energy activities; (3) land use module, which analyzes the emissions from land use process. This mainly includes emissions from agricultural food supplies, stock raising, forest management and biomass energy production; (4) industrial process emission module, which mainly analyzes the emissions from all kinds of industrial productions. The society, economy and energy activities module is built based on ERB model developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in US. Energy technology module is the IPAC-AIM/technology module developed collaboratively by Climate Change Strategies Assessment Research Team in ERI and National Institute of Environmental Studies in Japan. Land use module is modified and extended based on the AGLU model developed by PNNL. The iPETS model is developed to analyze greenhouse gas mitigation and climate change impacts with a special emphasis on the implications of demographic heterogeneity. The model was initially developed to represent the energy related emissions at national level and examine alternative options that could mitigate CO2 emissions, while keeping in mind the national development priorities. The basic model has been widely used in conjunction with other macroeconomic and biophysical models to examine trade-offs and co-benefits of alternative energy sector trajectories. The main objective of the MEDEAS model is to help in making political decisions for an energy transition towards a low carbon society. In addition, the MEDEAS model seeks to be a useful tool to help understand the causal relationships and feedback between economic, biophysical and social variables that are linked to climate change. MERGE acts as a global social planner with perfect foresight where the objective function is the maximization of a global welfare that corresponds to the Negishi-weighted regional utility. The utility is modeled as the natural logarithm of consumption. The logarithmic form of the regional utility func- tion implies diminishing marginal utility to consumption; therefore, an additional dollar of consumption produces larger utility gains in poorer regions. The global utility is calculated using the utility of each region weighted by means of Negishi weights. The Negishi weights are used to equalize the marginal utility of consumption among regions, hence an additional dollar of consumption in any region has the same effect on the global welfare. MESSAGE at its core is a technology-detailed energy-engineering optimization model used for energy planning. Through linkage to macro-economic, land-use and climate models it is capable of taking into account important feedbacks and limitations in these areas outside of the energy system. MIGRATION is aimed at generating versions of the SSP with zero migration. Based on a gravity model and on preexisting population projections with zero migration, it provides projections of GDP, inequality across and within countries, final energy consumption and CO2 emissions for zero migration. These projections ensure consistency with the interdisciplinary framework of the SSPs, which makes them particularly useful for assessing global climate policy options. MUSE is an agent-based energy systems model which simulates the decision-making process of firms and consumers in the energy system. It aims at capturing the multi-faceted aspects of the energy systems transitions in a realistic way as they would be affected by limited knowledge of the future and the technology readiness adopting a bottom-up approach to the technology description. POLES was originally developed to assess energy markets, combining a detailed description of energy demand, transformation and primary supply for all energy vectors.

It provides full energy balances on a yearly basis using frequent data updates to as to deliver robust forecasts for both short and long-term horizons. It has quickly been used, in the late 90s, to assess energy-related CO2 mitigation policies.

Over time other GHG emissions have been included (energy and industry non-CO2 from the early 2000s), and linkages with agricultural and land use models have been progressively implemented.
PRIMES provides detailed projections of energy demand, supply, prices and

investment to the future, covering the entire energy system including emissions for each individual European country and for Europe-wide trade of energy commodities. PRIMES model design is suitable for medium- and long-term energy system projections and system restructuring up to 2070, both in demand and supply. The model can support an impact assessment of specific energy and environment policies and measures, applied at the Member State or EU level, including price signals, such as taxation, subsidies, ETS, technology-promoting policies, RES-supporting policies, efficiency-promoting policies, environmental policies and technology standards. PRIMES is sufficiently detailed to represent concrete policy measures in various sectors, including market design options for the EU internal electricity and gas markets. Policy analysis draws on

comparing the results of scenarios against a reference projection
PROMETHEUS is a global energy system model covering in detail the complex interactions between energy demand, supply and energy prices at the regional and global level. Its main objectives are:

1) Assess climate change mitigation pathways and low-emission development strategies for the medium and long-term 2) Analyse the energy system, economic and emission implications of a wide spectrum of energy and climate policy measures, differentiated by region and sector)

3) Explore the economics of fossil fuel production and quantify the impacts of climate policies on the evolution of global energy prices
REMIND-MAgPIE is a global multi-regional model incorporating the economy,

the climate system and a detailed representation of the energy sector. REMIND-MAgPIE allows for a sophisticated analysis of technology options and

policy proposals for climate mitigation. It accounts for economic and energy investments in the model regions, and interregional trade in goods, energy carriers and emissions allowances.
REMod is a national energy system model with a focus on cross-sectoral system development. It's used to analyze long-term transformation pathways of the whole energy system, including technological transformation in the end-use sectors. The model has been used mainly for Germany and is currently being adapted for other European countries. It's rather unique approach of simulation-based optimization allows REMod to optimize capacity expansion and technological transformation in the end-use sectors on an annual basis while simulating the system in high detail on an hourly basis. Welfare function The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Policies Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks (Phase out regulations) Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Fuel taxes;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Fuel taxes Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade Emission tax;Emission pricing;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Feed-in-tariff Emission tax;Emission pricing;Fuel taxes;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission pricing;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade Emission tax;Emission pricing;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Capacity targets;Energy efficiency standards;Cap and trade;Portfolio standard;Emission standards (Phase out regulations) Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks (Carbon pricing;Fossil fuel support removal (FFSR);Regulations in the power sector to enforce a switch away from fossil fuels;Regulations to stimulate investments to decarbonise building and transport emissions;Policies to stimulate firms’ energy efficiency improvement;Subsidies to reduce and decarbonise energy consumption by households) Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards (Phase out regulations;Emission reduction targets) Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies (Adaptation, climate change impact) Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Emission pricing;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Capacity targets;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Agricultural producer subsidies;Agricultural consumer subsidies;Land protection Emission tax;Emission pricing;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards Energy efficiency standards;Land protection (Adaptation, climate change impact;Phase out regulations;technology standards;demand side policies) Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Emission pricing;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards (Eco-design standars, Best Available Technology regulations, Energy Performance standards;Emission standards or efficiency standards or CO2 standards on vehicles and other transport means,;Phase-out regarulations, Large Combustion Plant Directive;Additionality rules for the production of renewable hydrogen and synthetic fuels (e-fuels)) Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Feed-in-tariff;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Emission standards;Energy efficiency standards Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade;Fuel taxes;Fuel subsidies;Portfolio standard;Capacity targets;Land protection;Pricing carbon stocks Emission tax;Emission pricing;Fuel taxes;Capacity targets;Energy efficiency standards (Phase out regulations) Emission tax;Emission pricing;Cap and trade The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Solution concept Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand) General equilibrium (closed economy) Econometric General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) General equilibrium (closed economy) (GCAM solves all energy, water, and land markets simultaneously) General equilibrium (closed economy) Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand) (GCAM solves all energy, water, and land markets simultaneously) General equilibrium (closed economy) Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) (General Equilibirum (open economy)) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) General equilibrium (closed economy) Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand) Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand) Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) Systems dynamics based approach General equilibrium (closed economy) Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) General equilibrium (closed economy) Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand) Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand) Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand) (The PRIMES model comprises several sub-models (modules), each one representing the behaviour of a specific (or representative) agent, a demander and/or a supplier of energy. The sub-models link with each other through a model integration algorithm, which determines equilibrium prices in multiple markets and equilibrium volumes meets balancing and overall (e.g. emission) constraints.) Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand) General equilibrium (closed economy) (MAgPIE: partial equilibrium model of the agricultural sector) Partial equilibrium (fixed demand) General equilibrium (closed economy) The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Solution horizon Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Static Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) (recursive-dynamic (myopic)) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Recursive dynamic (myopic) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Recursive dynamic (myopic) MAgPIE: recursive-dynamic;REMIND-MAgPIE: Inter-temporal (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) Intertemporal optimization (foresight) The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Solution method Optimization Optimization Simulation Simulation Simulation Optimization Simulation Optimization Optimization Optimization The COFFEE model is solved through Linear Programming (LP). The TEA model is formulated as a mixed complementary problem (MCP) and is solved through Mathematical Programming System for General Equilibrium -- MPSGE within GAMS using the PATH solver. Optimization Optimization Simulation Optimization Optimization Optimization Recursive dynamic solution method Recursive dynamic solution method Optimization Optimization (Linear optimisation) Optimization Simulation (Recursive dynamic solution method) Optimization Dynamic recursive with annual time steps through 2100. Simulation (Imaclim-R is implemented in Scilab, and uses the fonction fsolve from a shared C++ library to solve the static equilibrium system of non-linear equations.) Optimization Simulation (Imaclim-NLU is implemented in Scilab, and uses the fonction fsolve from a shared C++ library to solve the static equilibrium system of non-linear equations.) Simulation Optimization Optimization The economic problem is formulated as a three-level nested problem. The solution of these three sub-problems yield the dynamic capital path (investment/consumption trade-off in each simulation year), and factor and output prices which clear all factor and goods markets. Optimization Simulation Optimization Optimization Optimization Simulation Simulation Simulation (Recursive simulation) Mathematically PRIMES solves an EPEC problem (equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints) which allows prices to be explicitly determined. Simulation Optimization (MAgPIE: cost minimization) Optimization (Simulation-based optimization) Optimization The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Spatial dimension Number of regions:1 (India) Number of regions:10 Number of regions:17 (Japan;China;India;Rest of Asia;Rest of Europe;Former Soviet Union;Turkey;Canada;United States;Brazil;Rest of South America;Middle East;North Africa;Rest of Africa;Rest of East and South East Asia;EU;New Zealand and Australia) Number of regions:1 (Asia) Number of regions:1 (Republic of Korea) Number of regions:one country Number of regions: Number of regions:13 (BRA (Brazil);CAZ (Canada, Australia, and New Zealand);CHA (China incl. Hng Kong);EUR (EU27+3 (Switzerland, Norway, and Iceland));IND (India);JPN (Japan);MNA (Middle East and North Africa);OAS (Other Asia);OLA (Other Latin America);ORF (Other Reforming Economies);RUS (Russia);SSA (Sub-Saharan Africa);USA (United States)) Number of regions:5 Number of regions:12 (USA;China;Japan;Russian Federation;India;Other Branches of Umbrella Group;European Union;Other West European Developed Countries;Eastern European CIS excluding Russian Federation;Asia excluding China,India and Japan;Middle East and Africa;Latin America) Number of regions:18 (AFR Africa;AUS Australia and New Zealand;BRA Brazil;CAM Central America;CAN Canada;CAS Caspian Region;CHN China;EEU Europe;IND India;JPN Japan;KOR South Korea;MEA Middle East;RAS Rest of Asia and Oceania;RUS Russia;SAF South Africa;SAM South America;USA United States;WEU Rest of Europe) Number of regions:1 Number of regions:21 (USA;CAN - Canada;KOR- South Korea;RUS - Russian Federation;CHN - China;IND - India;OAS - Other Asia;BRA - Brazil;OAM - Rest of Latin America;FRA - France;GER - Germany;GBR - Great Britain;BLX - Benelux;SCA - Scandinavia;SEU - Southern Europa;REU - Rest of Europe;EEU - Eastern Europe;MEA - Middle East / North Africa;AFR - Subsaharan Africa;ANZ - Australia / New Zealand;JPN - Japan) Number of regions: Number of regions:61 (USA;CAN;CHN;IND;BRA;BEL;DNK;DEU;GRC;ESP;FRA;IRL;ITA;LUX;NLD;AUT;PRT;FIN;SWE;GBR;CZE;EST;CYP;LVA;LTU;HUN;MLT;POL;SVN;SVK;BGR;ROU;NOR;CHE;ISL;HRV;TUR;MKD;JPN;AUS;NZL;RUS;REST OF ANNEX I;MEX;ARG;COL;REST OF LATIN AMERICA;KOR;TWN;IDN;ASEAN;OPEC;REST OF WORLD;UKR;SAU;NGA;ZAF;REST OF AFRICA;AFRICA OPEC;MYS;KAZ) Number of regions:26 (China;Japan;South Korea;India;Canada;United States;Mexico;Brazil;Russia;OECD Oceania (Australia and New Zealand);Caspian countries;Chile and Colombia;Other Latin America;France, Germany and Italy;Other European Union;Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Malta, Romania;Indonesia;Middle East;North Africa;Other Africa;Other Southeast Asia;Other Asia;EFTA, Israel,Turkey;Other Europe;United Kingdom;South Africa) Number of regions: Number of regions:18 (USA;EU;China;India;Japan;Brazil;Canada;Mexico;Russia;South Korea;Indonesia;Africa;Middle East;Australia and New Zealand;Dynamic Asia;Rest of East Asia;Rest of Eurasia;Rest of Latin America) Number of regions:35 countries (further divided into 98 sub-regions)) (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) Number of regions:32 (default) (USA;Canada;Mexico;Australia_NZ;Japan;South Korea;EU-12;EU-15;European Free Trade Association;Europe_Non_EU;Europe_Eastern;Russia;China;Taiwan;Central Asia;South Asia;Southeast Asia;Indonesia;India;Pakistan;Middle East;Africa_Eastern;Africa_Northern;Africa_Southern;Africa_Western;South Africa;Argentina;Brazil;Central America and Caribbean;Colombia;South America_Northern;South America_Southern) Number of regions:32 (USA 2.Canada 3.Mexico 4.Australia_NZ 5.Japan 6.South Korea 7.EU-12 8.EU-15 9.European Free Trade Association 10.Europe_Non_EU 11.Europe_Eastern 12.Russia 13.China 14.Taiwan 15.Central Asia 16.South Asia 17.Southeast Asia 18.Indonesia 19.India 20.Pakistan 21.Middle East 22.Africa_Eastern 23.Africa_Northern 24.Africa_Southern 25.Africa_Western 26.South Africa 27.Argentina 28.Brazil 29.Central America and Caribbean 30.Colombia 31.South America_Northern 32.South America_Southern) Number of regions:33 (USA;Canada;Mexico;Australia_NZ;Japan;South Korea;EU-12;EU-15;European Free Trade Association;Europe_Non_EU;Europe_Eastern;Russia;China;Taiwan;Central Asia;South Asia;Southeast Asia;Indonesia;India;Pakistan;Middle East;Africa_Eastern;Africa_Northern;Africa_Southern;Africa_Western;South Africa;Argentina;Brazil;Central America and Caribbean;Colombia;South America_Northern;South America_Southern;Saudi Arabia) Number of regions:46 Number of regions:10 (Africa;Asia-Rest;China;Europe;India;Middle East;North America;Oceania;FSU;South America) Number of regions:17 (Asia Pacific;Australia and New Zealand;Brazil;Canada and Mexico;Central and South Asia;China;Eastern Europe;European Union+;India;Japan, Korea and Taiwan;Latin America and Caribbean;Middle East;North Africa;Russia;Subsaharan Africa;USA) Number of regions:up to 140. Number of regions:25 (Italy;France;Germany;UK;RestofEU15;RestofEU27;NorthEurope;RoEurope;USA;Canada;Japan;South_Korea;Russia;China;India;Brazil;ANZ;RoAsia;SouthAfrica;MDE;NAF;SSA;SASIA;EASIA;LACA) Number of regions:186 (Afghanistan;Albania;Algeria;Angola;Argentina;Armenia;Australia;Austria;Azerbaijan;Bahamas;Bahrain;Bangladesh;Barbados;Belarus;Belgium;Belize;Benin;Bhutan;Bolivia;Bosnia;Botswana;Brazil;Brunei;Bulgaria;Burkina Faso;Burundi;Cambodia;Cameroon;Canada;Cape Verde;Central African Republic;Chad;Chile;China;Colombia;Comoros;Congo, Democratic Republic of;Congo, Republic of;Costa Rica;Cote d'Ivoire;Croatia;Cuba;Cyprus;Czech Republic;Denmark;Djibouti;Dominican Republic;Ecuador;Egypt;El Salvador;Equatorial Guinea;Eritrea;Estonia;Ethiopia;Fiji;Finland;France;Gabon;Gambia;Georgia;Germany;Ghana;Greece;Grenada;Guatemala;Guinea;Guinea Bissau;Guyana;Haiti;Honduras;Hong Kong;Hungary;Iceland;India;Indonesia;Iran;Iraq;Ireland;Israel;Italy;Jamaica;Japan;Jordan;Kazakhstan;Kenya;North Korea;South Korea;Kosovo;Kuwait;Kyrgyzstan;Laos;Latvia;Lebanon;Lesotho;Liberia;Libya;Lithuania;Luxembourg;Macedonia;Madagascar;Malawi;Malaysia;Maldives;Mali;Malta;Mauritania;Mauritius;Mexico;Micronesia;Moldova;Mongolia;Montenegro;Morocco;Mozambique;Myanmar;Namibia;Nepal;Netherlands;New Zealand;Nicaragua;Niger;Nigeria;Norway;Oman;Pakistan;Palestine;Panama;Papua New Guinea;Paraguay;Peru;Philippines;Poland;Portugal;Puerto Rico;Qatar;Romania;Russia;Rwanda;Samoa;Sao Tome and Principe;Saudi Arabia;Senegal;Serbia;Seychelles;Sierra Leone;Singapore;Slovak Republic;Slovenia;Solomon Islands;Somalia;South Africa;Spain;Sri Lanka;St. Lucia;St. Vincent and the Grenadines;Sudan;South Sudan;Suriname;Swaziland;Sweden;Switzerland;Syria;Taiwan;Tajikistan;Tanzania;Thailand;Timor-Leste;Togo;Tonga;Trinidad;Tunisia;Turkey;Turkmenistan;UAE;Uganda;Ukraine;United Kingdom;Uruguay;USA;Uzbekistan;Vanuatu;Venezuela;Vietnam;Yemen;Zambia;Zimbabwe) Number of regions:12 (USA;Canada;Europe;China;India;Brazil;Middle East;Africa;Commonwealth of Independant States;OECD Pacific;Rest of Asia;Rest of Latin Amercia) Number of regions:India Number of regions:12 (USA;Canada;Europe;China;India;Brazil;Middle East;Africa;Commonwealth of Independant States;OECD Pacific;Rest of Asia;Rest of Latin Amercia) Number of regions:26 (Canada;USA;Mexico;Rest of Central America;Brazil;Rest of South America;Northern Africa;Western Africa;Eastern Africa;South Africa;Western Europe;Central Europe;Turkey;Ukraine +;Asian-Stan;Russia +;Middle East;India +;Korea;China +;Southeastern Asia;Indonesia +;Japan;Oceania;Rest of South Asia;Rest of Southern Africa) Number of regions: Number of regions:9 (US;West Europe and Canada;Asia Pacific OECD countries;Economies in Transition Countries;China;Middle East;Other Asian Developing Countries;Africa;Latin America) Number of regions:9 (China;EU27+;India;Latin America;Other Developing Countries;Other Industrialized Countries;sub-Saharan Africa;Transition Countries;USA) Number of regions:1 (India) Number of regions:1 Number of regions:10 (European Union plus UK, Andorra, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Holy See, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro (EUP);Switzerland (SWI);Russia (RUS);Middle East (MEA);India (IND);China (CHI);Japan (JPN);Canada, Australia and New Zealand (CANZ);United States (USA);Rest of the World (ROW)) Number of regions:1 (KOREA) Number of regions:11 (AFR (Sub-Saharan Africa);CPA (Centrally Planned Asia & China);EEU (Eastern Europe);FSU (Former Soviet Union);LAM (Latin America and the Carribean);MEA (Middle East and North Africa);NAM (North America);PAO (Pacific OECD);PAS (Other Pacific Asia);SAS (South Asia);WEU (Western Europe)) Number of regions:184 (ABW, AFG, AGO, ALB, ARE, ARG, ARM, AUS, AUT, AZE, BDI, BEL, BEN, BFA, BGD, BGR, BHR, BHS, BIH, BLR, BLZ, BOL, BRA, BRB, BRN, BTN, BWA, CAF, CAN, CHE, CHL, CHN, CIV, CMR, COD, COG, COL, COM, CPV, CRI, CUB, CYP, CZE, DEU, DJI, DNK, DOM, DZA, ECU, EGY, ERI, ESP, EST, ETH, FIN, FJI, FRA, GAB, GBR, GEO, GHA, GIN, GMB, GNB, GNQ, GRC, GTM, GUY, HKG, HND, HRV, HTI, HUN, IDN, IND, IRL, IRN, IRQ, ISL, ISR, ITA, JAM, JOR, JPN, KAZ, KEN, KGZ, KHM, KOR, KWT, LAO, LBN, LBR, LBY, LCA, LKA, LSO, LTU, LUX, LVA, MAC, MAR, MDA, MDG, MDV, MEX, MKD, MLI, MLT, MMR, MNE, MNG, MOZ, MRT, MUS, MWI, MYS, NAM, NCL, NER, NGA, NIC, NLD, NOR, NPL, NZL, OMN, PAK, PAN, PER, PHL, PNG, POL, PRI, PRT, PRY, PSE, PYF, QAT, ROU, RUS, RWA, SAU, SDN, SEN, SGP, SLB, SLE, SLV, SOM, SRB, STP, SUR, SVK, SVN, SWE, SWZ, SYR, TCD, TGO, THA, TJK, TKM, TLS, TON, TTO, TUN, TUR, TWN, TZA, UGA, UKR, URY, USA, UZB, VCT, VEN, VNM, VUT, WSM, YEM, ZAF, ZMB, ZWE) Number of regions:28 (Adjacent Europe;ASEAN;Caspian Region;Australia & New Zealand;Brazil;Canada;Chile;China;Denmark;Eastern Europe;Emerging Asia;Emerging Latin America;Finalnd;India;Israel;Japan;South Korea;Middle East;Mexico;North & Central Africa;Norway;Other EMerging Europe;Russia;Sweden;United States of America;South Africa;Iceland;Western Europe) Number of regions: Number of regions:66 Number of regions:28 (EU27, UK. Primes has also used for providing projections for the Energy Community Contracting Parties, Turkey, Iceland, Switzerland.) Number of regions:10 (China;India;North America;OECD Pacific;EU-28;Middle East and North Africa;CIS;Emerging Economies;Rest of the world) Number of regions:12 Number of regions:flexible, currently up to 10 (Germany;German federal states;European states) Number of regions:57 The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Temporal dimension Base year:2000, time steps:Annual, horizon: Base year:2010, time steps:1, horizon: 2050 Base year:2005, time steps:Annual, horizon: 2100 Base year:2010, time steps:5 year, horizon: 2060 Base year:2005, time steps:Annual, horizon: 2100 Base year:2005, time steps:one year step, horizon: 2005-2050 Base year:, time steps:, horizon: Base year:2010, time steps:10, horizon: 2150 Base year:2010, time steps:5 year, horizon: 2050 Base year:2011, time steps:5, horizon: 2011-2100 Base year:2010, time steps:5 year, horizon: 2100 Base year:2015, time steps:5, horizon: 2050 Base year:2011, time steps:1, horizon: 2030 Base year:, time steps:, horizon: Base year:2010, time steps:yearly, horizon: 2100 Base year:2014, time steps:Annual, horizon: 2050 or 2060 Base year:, time steps:, horizon: Base year:2007, time steps:5 years from 2015, horizon: 2100 Base year:, time steps:Hourly, horizon: 2020, 2030 or 2050 Base year:2015, time steps:5-year (default), minimum time step is 1-year, horizon: 2100 Base year:2010, time steps:5, horizon: 2100 Base year:2015, time steps:5-year, horizon: 2100 Base year:2014, time steps:5, horizon: 2100 Base year:2015 / 2018, time steps:flexible, horizon: 2050 Base year:2010, time steps:10 time steps of each one of 10 years, horizon: 2010 - 2100 Base year:2014, time steps:yearly, horizon: Base year:2011, time steps:1-year and 5-year time steps, horizon: 2050 Base year:2015, time steps:1 year time steps, horizon: 2100 Base year:2001, time steps:Annual, horizon: 2050 or 2100 Base year:2012, time steps:2030 and 2050, horizon: 2050 Base year:2001, time steps:Annual, horizon: 2050 or 2100 Base year:1970, time steps:1-5 year time step, horizon: 2100 Base year:2015, time steps:annual, horizon: Base year:2010, time steps:5 years and 25 years, horizon: 1990-2100 Base year:2004, time steps:annual, horizon: 2100 Base year:2001, time steps:5, horizon: 2051 Base year:, time steps:, horizon: Base year:2015, time steps:8 time steps of duration of 5 years each, horizon: 2020-2100 Base year:2015, time steps:5, horizon: 2060 Base year:2030, time steps:10, horizon: 2110 Base year:2015, time steps:5, horizon: 85 Base year:2010, time steps:5 or 10, horizon: configurable (2050 or 2100) Base year:, time steps:, horizon: Base year:2015, time steps:Yearly, horizon: 2015-2100 Base year:2015, time steps:5 year, horizon: 2015 to 2070 Base year:2000, time steps:1, horizon: 2100 Base year:2005, time steps:5, horizon: 2005-2100 Base year:2015, time steps:yearly, horizon: 2050 Base year:2015, time steps:5 years, horizon: 2300 The query description has an empty condition.
Model scope and methods-Time discounting type Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate endogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate endogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate exogenous Discount rate endogenous The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Autonomous energy efficiency improvements Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Education level Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Employment rate Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-GDP Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Income distribution Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Labor productivity Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Other socio economic driver Behavioural change Behavioural change Migration The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Population Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Population age structure Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Total factor productivity Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (endogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Socio-economic drivers-Urbanization rate Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) Yes (exogenous) The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Behaviour For specific sectors, FTT is used to estimate investor decision making regarding technology choices. Energy demands (projected by using elasticities of demands to GDP), for all kind of fuels demands, is controlled by calibration of the Autonomous Energy Efficiency Improvements (AEEIs) in energy use, by sector and type of fuel. Value-added is shown as being composed of a labour input, along with a composite capital-energy bundle. The energy bundle is of particular interest for analysis of climate change issues. Energy is a composite of fossil fuels and electricity. In turn, fossil fuel is a composite of coal and a bundle of the “other fossil fuels”. At the lowest nest, the composite “other fossil fuels” commodity consists of crude oil, refined oil products and natural gas. The value of the substitution elasticities are based on existing literature and calibrated to imply a higher degree of substitution among the other fuels than with electricity and coal. According to the vintage-structure of technologies, the fuel mix in energy production is more flexible when associated with new capital. For old capital vintage production technology the substitution possibilities between fuels are very limited. Consumer energy behaviour is modelled with side constraints influencing deployment and adoption of energy supply and demand technologies Producers maximize profit and consumers maximize utility. Price response (via elasticities), and non-price drivers (infrastructure and urban forms conditioning location choices, different asymptotes on industrial goods consumption saturation levels with income rise, speed of personal vehicle ownership rate increase, speed of residential area increase). Price response (via elasticities), and non-price drivers (infrastructure and urban forms conditioning location choices, different asymptotes on industrial goods consumption saturation levels with income rise, speed of personal vehicle ownership rate increase, speed of residential area increase). In the energy model, substitution among technologies is described in the model using the multinomial logit formulation. The multinomial logit model implies that the market share of a certain technology or fuel type depends on costs relative to competing technologies. The option with the lowest costs gets the largest market share, but in most cases not the full market. We interpret the latter as a representation of heterogeneity in the form of specific market niches for every technology or fuel. energy technology module, which analyzes the short and mid-term energy utilization technologies under different conditions, and determines the energy demand under different technology compositions. The energy demand in energy technology module will modify the short and mid-term energy demand in society, economy and energy activities module, which makes the energy analysis in macro-economic model better reflect the short and mid-term energy activities Modelled as side constraints influencing deployment rate (or adoption rate) of energy supply and demand technologies Activity drivers depend on income per capita and energy prices via elasticities.

Energy demand depends on activity drivers, energy prices and technology costs.

Primary energy supply depends on remaining resources, production cost and price effects.
Operation of the energy system including demand-side management via flexible operation of heating systems and flexible charging of vehicles is simulated. Impact of behaviour on technological change can be exogenously modeled via different scenario assumptions. The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-CO2 Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Electricity Yes (aggregate) Yes (spatially explicit) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (spatially explicit) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (spatially explicit) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Electricity technologies Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Solar power;Wind power;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power (Hydrokinetic) Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Coal w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power-CSP;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power (Solar power PV) Coal w/o CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Nuclear power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power (Wind power-offshore;Gas CHP;Bioenergy CHP;Waste CHP) Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Coal w/o CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Hydroelectric power Coal;Gas;Oil (non-fossil) Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Coal w/o CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Nuclear power;Solar power;Wind power;Hydroelectric power;Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power;Ocean power;Solar power-distributed PV Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Oil w/ CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Coal w/ CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Gas w/ CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Geothermal power;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-CSP;Wind power;Hydroelectric power Coal w/o CCS;Gas w/o CCS;Oil w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/o CCS;Bioenergy w/ CCS;Nuclear power;Solar power;Solar power-central PV;Solar power-distributed PV;Wind power;Wind power-onshore;Wind power-offshore;Hydroelectric power The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Energy technology choice Lowest cost with adjustment penalties Linear choice (lowest cost) Logit choice model Logit choice model Linear choice (lowest cost) Linear choice (lowest cost) Production function Linear choice (lowest cost) Linear choice (lowest cost) Production function Logit choice model Production function Production function Logit choice model Logit choice model Logit choice model Linear choice (lowest cost) Linear choice (lowest cost) Production function (Nested CES function) Production function Logit choice model Linear choice (lowest cost) Logit choice model Logit choice model Logit choice model Linear choice (lowest cost) Lowest cost with adjustment penalties Linear choice (lowest cost) Linear choice (lowest cost) Linear choice (lowest cost) No discrete technology choices Lowest cost with adjustment penalties Logit choice model Logit choice model Logit choice model Linear choice (lowest cost) The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Energy technology deployment System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints Expansion and decline constraints Expansion and decline constraints System integration constraints System integration constraints System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints (Hydroelectricity is constrained to current capacity. Bioenergy is constrained by resource limits. Nuclear is forced to be in the system whereas countries have declared they will maintain a certain amount of nuclear. Transmission expansion has limits) System integration constraints System integration constraints System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints Expansion and decline constraints;System integration constraints The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Energy technology substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mostly high substitutability Mostly high substitutability in some sectors and mostly low substitutability in other sectors Mostly high substitutability in some sectors and mostly low substitutability in other sectors Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mostly high substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mostly high substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mostly high substitutability Mostly high substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Discrete technology choices with mostly high substitutability in some sectors and mostly low substitutability in other sectors Mixed high and low substitutability Discrete technology choices with mostly high substitutability in some sectors and mostly low substitutability in other sectors Mostly high substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mostly high substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mostly high substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mostly high substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mixed high and low substitutability Mostly high substitutability Mostly high substitutability The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Freight transportation Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight ships (Gasoline HDVs;Hybrid HDVs;Fuel-cell HDVs) Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships (Fuel-cell HDVs;Hybrid HDVs) Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight ships (Fuel-cell HDVs) Aggregate transport technologies that correspond to fuel consumption Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Aggregate transport technologies that correspond to fuel consumption Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight ships Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight ships Heavy duty vehicles Heavy duty vehicles Freight trains;Heavy duty vehicles;Freight aircrafts;Freight ships The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Gas Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (spatially explicit) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Heat Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Heat generation Other Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Solarthermal heat Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Natural gas heat;Biomass heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) (Electric heat sources (e.g. resistance heating, heat pumps)) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) (Electric heat sources (e.g. resistance heating, heat pumps)) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) CHP (coupled heat and power) CHP (coupled heat and power) CHP (coupled heat and power) CHP (coupled heat and power);Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat CHP (coupled heat and power) CHP (coupled heat and power);Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) CHP (coupled heat and power);Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Solarthermal heat Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) CHP (coupled heat and power) CHP (coupled heat and power);Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat Coal heat;Natural gas heat;Oil heat;Biomass heat;Geothermal heat;Solarthermal heat;CHP (coupled heat and power) The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Hydrogen Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (spatially explicit) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) Yes (aggregate) The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Hydrogen production Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Electrolysis Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Electrolysis Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Nuclear thermochemical hydrogen;Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Nuclear thermochemical hydrogen;Solar thermochemical hydrogen;Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Nuclear thermochemical hydrogen;Solar thermochemical hydrogen;Electrolysis Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Nuclear thermochemical hydrogen;Solar thermochemical hydrogen;Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS Electrolysis;Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Solar thermochemical hydrogen Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Nuclear thermochemical hydrogen;Solar thermochemical hydrogen;Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Nuclear thermochemical hydrogen;Solar thermochemical hydrogen;Electrolysis Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Solar thermochemical hydrogen;Electrolysis Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Electrolysis;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS Electrolysis;Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS Electrolysis;Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Oil to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Nuclear thermochemical hydrogen;Solar thermochemical hydrogen Electrolysis Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS;Nuclear thermochemical hydrogen;Solar thermochemical hydrogen;Electrolysis Electrolysis;Coal to hydrogen w/o CCS;Coal to hydrogen w/ CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Natural gas to hydrogen w/ CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/ CCS Natural gas to hydrogen w/o CCS;Biomass to hydrogen w/o CCS;Electrolysis The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Industry Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production (Iron and steel;Non-ferrous metals;Other Industries) Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Pulp production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production High temperature process;Low temperature process;Other electricity use;Other solid fuel use;Other liquid fuel use;Other gas fuel use Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production;Cement production;Petrochemical production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Cement production;Petrochemical production;Steel production;Aluminium production Cement production;Petrochemical production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Plastics production (Other Industries;Fertilisers) Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Pulp production (Other: Equipment goods, Non-metalic minnerals, Consumer goods industries) Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Aggregate industry technologies corresponding to boilers/fuels Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production;Cement production;Plastics production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Pulp production (Chemicals;Glass;Textile;Fertilisers;Bricks) Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Aggregate industry technologies corresponding to boilers/fuels Paper production (Chemicals;Fertilisers;Iron and steel;Non-ferrous metals;Other Industries;Pulp and paper) Steel production;Cement production;Petrochemical production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production Steel production;Cement production Steel production;Aluminium production;Cement production;Petrochemical production;Paper production;Plastics production;Pulp production The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Other grid and infrastructure Synthetic fuels (gases and liquids), aggregate The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Passenger transportation Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Passenger aircrafts (Fuel-cell LDVs) Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs (Gasoline Two-wheelers;LPG/CNG LDVs) Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts (Aggregate heavy-duty vehicles (Buses and generic heavy duty vehicles), both electric and diesel-based;Aggregate light-duty vehicles (passenger cars, motorcycles, generic light-duty vehicles), both electric and diesel based) Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts (CNG Buses;CNG Three-wheelers;Diesel Three-wheelers;Electric Buses;Electric Three-wheelers;LPG/CNG LDVs) Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts (CNG Buses;CNG Three-wheelers;Electric Buses;Electric Two-wheelers;Fuel-cell LDVs;Diesel Three-wheelers;LPG/CNG LDVs) Buses;Electric LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Passenger trains;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger trains;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts (Gasoline Two-wheelers;Electric Two-wheelers;Gasoline Three-Wheelers;Diesel Three-wheelers;CNG Three-wheelers;Electric Three-wheelers;CNG Buses;Electric Buses) Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs Aggregate transport technologies that correspond to fuel consumption Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger trains;Passenger aircrafts Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts (Private road passenger (cars, powered 2 wheelers), public road passenger (buses and coaches), road freight (HDVs, LDVs), passenger rail (slow and high-speed trains, metro), freight rail, passenger aviation (split into distance classes), freight and passenger inland navigation and short sea shipping, bunkers. Numerous classes of vehicles and transport means with tracking of technology vintages.) Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Passenger trains Passenger trains;Buses;Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs);Electric LDVs;Hydrogen LDVs;Hybrid LDVs;Gasoline LDVs;Diesel LDVs;Passenger aircrafts The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Refined gases Biomass to gas w/o CCS Oil to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS Biomass to gas w/o CCS (Hydrogen to gas) Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Oil to gas w/o CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Coal to gas w/ CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/ CCS Coal to gas w/o CCS;Biomass to gas w/o CCS Biomass to gas w/o CCS The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Refined liquids Bioliquids w/o CCS;Oil refining Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Oil refining Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Bioliquids w/o CCS (Hydrogen to Kerosene;Hydrogene to Methanol;Hydrogen to Diesel) Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Bioliquids w/o CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Oil refining Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Oil refining Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Oil refining Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Gas to liquids w/o CCS;Gas to liquids w/ CCS;Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Bioliquids w/o CCS;Bioliquids w/ CCS;Coal to liquids w/o CCS;Coal to liquids w/ CCS;Oil refining Bioliquids w/o CCS;Oil refining (power to liquids) The query description has an empty condition.
Energy-Residential and commercial Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Lighting Cooking;Space heating Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking (Water heating;Other) Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Space heating (Water heating) Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling (Other electrical uses) Cooking;Space heating Space heating;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting (Water heating) Aggregate residential and commercial technologies corresponding to boilers/fuels Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting;Space heating;Space cooling Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Lighting (Water heating) Aggregate residential and commercial technologies corresponding to boilers/fuels Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Lighting (Appliance) Cooking;Space heating Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Cooking;Space heating;Space cooling Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Lighting Space heating;Space cooling;Cooking;Refrigeration;Washing;Lighting The query description has an empty condition.
Land-use-Agricultural commodities Wheat;Rice;Oilseeds;Other coarse grains;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Oilseeds;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Oilseeds;Sugar crops Rice;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Cereal;Other crops;Roots;Sugarcane;Meat Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Oilseeds;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Oilseeds;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Oilseeds;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Oilseeds;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Sugar crops;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Oilseeds;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Oilseeds Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Oilseeds;Sugar crops;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Oilseeds;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Other coarse grains;Oilseeds;Sugar crops Wheat;Rice;Oilseeds;Other coarse grains;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products Wheat;Rice;Ruminant meat Wheat;Rice;Oilseeds;Other coarse grains;Sugar crops;Ruminant meat;Non-ruminant meat and eggs;Dairy products The query description has an empty condition.
Land-use-Agriculture and forestry demands Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest industrial roundwood;Forest fuelwood;Forest residues Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest industrial roundwood;Forest residues Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest industrial roundwood;Forest fuelwood;Forest residues Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest fuelwood;Forest residues Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture food Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest fuelwood Agriculture food Agriculture food;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest industrial roundwood;Forest fuelwood;Forest residues Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest industrial roundwood;Forest fuelwood;Forest residues Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest industrial roundwood;Forest fuelwood;Forest residues Agriculture food Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest industrial roundwood;Forest fuelwood;Forest residues Agriculture food;Agriculture feed;Agriculture bioenergy;Forest fuelwood Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest fuelwood;Forest residues Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues;Forest industrial roundwood;Forest residues Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture bioenergy;Forest industrial roundwood;Forest fuelwood;Forest residues Agriculture food;Agriculture food crops;Agriculture food livestock;Agriculture feed;Agriculture feed crops;Agriculture feed livestock;Agriculture non-food;Agriculture non-food crops;Agriculture non-food livestock;Agriculture bioenergy;Agriculture residues The query description has an empty condition.
Land-use-Land cover Cropland;Forest;Pasture;Shrubland;Cropland energy crops;Managed forest;Natural forest Cropland;Cropland energy crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest;Pasture;Shrubland Cropland;Cropland energy crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest;Pasture;Shrubland;Built-up area Cropland;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest;Built-up area Cropland;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Cropland energy crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest;Pasture (Other) Cropland;Cropland energy crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest;Pasture (Pasture HighCapacity;Pasture LowCapacity;IntegratedSystems;DoubleCrop;ILPF) Cropland;Forest;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Pasture;Built-up area Cropland;Forest;Pasture Cropland;Cropland energy crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest;Pasture Cropland;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Cropland energy crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest;Pasture;Shrubland;Built-up area Cropland;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Cropland energy crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest;Pasture;Shrubland;Built-up area Cropland;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Cropland energy crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest;Pasture;Shrubland;Built-up area Cropland;Forest Cropland;Cropland food crops;Managed forest Cropland;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Cropland energy crops Cropland;Forest;Pasture;Shrubland;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Cropland energy crops;Managed forest;Natural forest;Built-up area Cropland;Forest;Pasture;Built-up area Cropland;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Cropland energy crops;Forest;Managed forest;Natural forest Cropland food crops;Cropland energy crops;Managed forest;Natural forest;Pasture Cropland;Forest;Pasture;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Managed forest;Natural forest;Built-up area Cropland;Forest;Pasture;Cropland irrigated;Cropland food crops;Cropland feed crops;Cropland energy crops;Managed forest;Natural forest;Built-up area The query description has an empty condition.
Emission, climate and impacts-Carbon dioxide removal Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation;Soil carbon enhancement Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation Reforestation Bioenergy with CCS;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation;Soil carbon enhancement;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS;Afforestation;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS;Direct air capture (Backstop CDR technology corresponding to Soil carbon enehancement, enhanced weathering, reforestation/afforestation) Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation Bioenergy with CCS Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation Bioenergy with CCS;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS;Direct air capture Bioenergy with CCS;Afforestation;Direct air capture;Enhanced weathering Bioenergy with CCS;Reforestation;Afforestation;Soil carbon enhancement;Direct air capture Direct air capture The query description has an empty condition.
Emission, climate and impacts-Climate change impacts Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture;Energy supply;Energy demand;Economic output;Built capital;Inequality Agriculture;Energy supply;Energy demand;Economic output;Built capital;Inequality Agriculture;Energy demand;Economic output;Inequality;Energy supply Agriculture;Economic output Agriculture;Economic output Agriculture;Energy demand Agriculture;Energy supply;Energy demand;Economic output Agriculture Energy demand Agriculture;Energy supply;Energy demand;Economic output;Built capital;Inequality (Extreme events;labor productivity) Energy supply;Energy demand;Economic output;Built capital Agriculture;Inequality;Energy supply;Energy demand Economic output Energy supply;Energy demand;Economic output;Built capital Energy demand Energy supply;Energy demand Economic output;Built capital;Inequality The query description has an empty condition.
Emission, climate and impacts-Climate indicators Temperature change;Ocean acidification;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: land albedo;Radiative forcing: AN3A;Radiative forcing: total;Sea level rise Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: land albedo;Radiative forcing: AN3A;Radiative forcing: total;Temperature change;Sea level rise;Ocean acidification Concentration: Kyoto gases Concentration: CO2 Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: total;Temperature change Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: total;Temperature change;Sea level rise;Ocean acidification Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: land albedo;Radiative forcing: AN3A;Radiative forcing: total;Temperature change;Sea level rise;Ocean acidification (Radiative Forcing (Land Albedo) - Yes (exogenous)) Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: land albedo Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: land albedo;Radiative forcing: AN3A;Radiative forcing: total;Temperature change;Sea level rise;Ocean acidification (Radiative Forcing (Land Albedo) - Yes (exogenous)) CO2e concentration (ppm);Temperature change (°C) (Precipitation change) Concentration: CO2 Temperature change;Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: land albedo;Radiative forcing: AN3A;Radiative forcing: total;Sea level rise Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O Concentration: CO2 Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Temperature change;Sea level rise Temperature change;Ocean acidification;Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: land albedo;Radiative forcing: AN3A;Radiative forcing: total;Sea level rise Concentration: CO2 Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases Temperature change;Concentration: CO2;Concentration: CH4;Concentration: N2O;Concentration: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: CH4;Radiative forcing: N2O;Radiative forcing: F-gases;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: AN3A;Radiative forcing: total (Radiative Forcing (Land Albedo) - Yes (exogenous)) Concentration: CO2;Radiative forcing: CO2;Radiative forcing: Kyoto gases;Radiative forcing: aerosols;Radiative forcing: total;Temperature change;Sea level rise The query description has an empty condition.
Emission, climate and impacts-Co-Linkages Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution;Food access;Water availability Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region) Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions;Food access;Biodiversity Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions;Food access;Biodiversity Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Water availability Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions;Food access;Water availability Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions;Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution;Food access Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution;Water availability Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions;Food access;Water availability Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution;Food access;Water availability Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region) Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions;Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions Biodiversity;Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions;Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region) Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions;Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Source-based aerosol emissions Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption;Air pollution & health: Health impacts of air Pollution;Water availability Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Water availability Energy security: Fossil fuel imports & exports (region);Energy access: Household energy consumption Biodiversity The query description has an empty condition.
Emission, climate and impacts-Greenhouse gases CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CH4 energy;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs HFCs;CFCs;SF6;CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6 CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 land use (CO2 industrial processes) CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CH4 energy;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O other;CO2 land use CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other CO2 fossil fuels CO2 fossil fuels CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CH4 energy;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 fossil fuels CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs HFCs;SF6;CO2 fossil fuels;CH4 energy;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O other CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement CO2 fossil fuels CO2 fossil fuels;CH4 energy;N2O energy;SF6 CO2 fossil fuels CO2 CO2 fossil fuels CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use CO2 fossil fuels HFCs;CFCs;SF6;PFCs;CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CH4 energy;N2O energy;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CH4 energy;N2O energy CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other;CFCs;HFCs;SF6;PFCs CO2 fossil fuels HFCs;CFCs;SF6;CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;N2O energy;N2O land use HFCs;CFCs;SF6;PFCs;CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other CO2 fossil fuels CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CH4 energy;N2O energy HFCs;CFCs;SF6;CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;CH4 land use;CH4 other;N2O energy;N2O land use;N2O other CO2 fossil fuels CO2 fossil fuels;CO2 cement;CO2 land use;CH4 energy;N2O energy The query description has an empty condition.
Emission, climate and impacts-Pollutants CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other CO other;CO energy;CO land use;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other CO other NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other (PM energy;PM land use;PM other) CO energy;CO other;NOx energy;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 other;BC energy;BC other;OC energy;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 other SO2 energy;SO2 land use NOx energy;SO2 energy CO energy;CO other;NOx energy;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 other;BC energy;BC other;NH3 energy;NH3 other (PM energy;PM other) CO energy;CO other;NOx energy;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 other;BC energy;BC other;OC energy;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 other CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other CO energy;NOx energy;SO2 energy;BC energy;NH3 energy CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other CO energy;NOx energy;VOC energy;SO2 energy;BC energy;OC energy;NH3 energy CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use;NH3 other NOx energy;SO2 energy CO energy;CO land use;CO other;NOx energy;NOx land use;NOx other;VOC energy;VOC land use;VOC other;SO2 energy;SO2 land use;SO2 other;BC energy;BC land use;BC other;OC energy;OC land use;OC other;NH3 energy;NH3 land use The query description has an empty condition.

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