Author guidelines

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Edit text

To insert or edit text use the Edit or Edit with form tabs on the top of the page. To see how your edits are displayed save the page and navigate back the read tab.

The edit tab contains some build in functions to format text, such as style or linking to internal or external webpages.

More tips and tricks on text editing can be found through the following wiki help pages:

A few basic examples to get started are:

You type You get
''italic'' italic



'''''bold italic'''''

bold italic






  • bullet

[[Model_Documentation_-_IMAGE|Model_Documentation of IMAGE]]

Model_Documentation of IMAGE

Citation Management

To add a reference to journal paper, book or other literature to your text the following steps need do be performed:

  1. Look up references in format that can be recognized by the Semantic Cit extention that we use in the Wiki. More information about semantic cite can be found here. There are two easy options:
    • Use the Citation Websearch function in the left panel.
    • Collect reference information in bibtext format

Here is an example of how this could look like:


  1. The first line, folowing |references=, indicates the key of the reference, to which you can refer to in your text. It is important you specify a key that is unique. For example by starting the key with your model name
  2. The second line, following |type=, indicates the type of reference. In this wiki we have specified 5 reference types, namely journal, book, report, bookchapter and website. If your reference does not fall under one of these categroziation you can specify yourself how the reference is displayed, by adding an extra line with |citation text=
  3. Add the collected reference description to the reference page of your model, for example the reference of IMAGE
  4. Add the reference key to the top row of the page after |references=. This will display your reference on the References page
  5. Insert the key in text of the model documentation page where you insert the reference by using [[CiteRef::Referencekey]]
  6. The reference is indicated by a footnote, for example typing [[CiteRef::Byrne 2008]] is displayed as Byrne 2008. More information of the Citation Manager can be found here