Energy demand - COFFEE-TEA

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Alert-warning.png Note: The documentation of COFFEE-TEA is 'under review' and is not yet 'published'!

Model Documentation - COFFEE-TEA

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      Institution COPPE/UFRJ (Cenergia), Brazil,
      Solution concept General equilibrium (closed economy)
      Solution method The COFFEE model is solved through Linear Programming (LP). The TEA model is formulated as a mixed complementary problem (MCP) and is solved through Mathematical Programming System for General Equilibrium -- MPSGE within GAMS using the PATH solver.

      The TEA model provides energy demand projections for the COFFEE model. The TEA model treats energy consumption in energy units. For the base year calibration, balanced benchmark data in monetary values is converted to exajoules (EJ) based on the compatibility with energy databases. For energy consumption, monetary values were transformed into energy units from the IEA-WEO global energy balance database (IEA, 2011).

      The TEA model explicitly represents the primary energy extraction sectors (coal - COL; natural gas - GAS; crude oil - crude) as well as the secondary energy production sectors (petroleum products - OIL; electrical sector - ELE) and sectors of high final energy consumption in industry (iron and steel - I_S; chemical - CRP; non-metallic minerals - NMM; other manufactures - MAN) and in transportation (land - OTP; air - ATP, waterway - WTP).