Bioenergy - TIAM-UCL

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Model Documentation - TIAM-UCL

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    Institution University College London (UCL), UK,
    Solution concept Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand)
    Solution method Linear optimisation
    Anticipation Perfect Foresight

    (Stochastic and myopic runs are also possible)

    Biofuels impact on land-use emissions are not considered and neither are life-cycle impacts of biofuels i.e. completely carbon neutral.

    Biomass used in the electricity sector is provided by two different commodities - ELCSLD (from BIOSLD) and ELCCRP (from BIOCRP). Both originate from domestic (MIN) processes: MINBIOCRP0 (producing BIOCRP) and MINBIOSLD1,2 and 3 (producing BIOSLD). In this module biomass availability is modelled for energy crops and solid biomass (Table 11 5). Energy crops and solid biomass availability data is taken from TIAM-WORLD ( and some adjustment made to match the regions in the TIAM-UCL. These two biomass resources are traded, transportation cost is presented in trade module. The domestic production bounds for 2005 can be found in the BY UPS templates. Concerning costs, all regions have the same COST for the three tranches of BIOSLD (at 0.63, 1.88 and 3.13). For BIOCRP, resource costs differ between regions although the basis for this differential is not clear. They range between 1.38 in India to 3.65 in ODA. All costs remain the same over the time horizon.