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Model Documentation - REMIND-MAgPIE

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    Institution Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), Germany, https://www.pik-potsdam.de.
    Solution concept General equilibrium (closed economy)MAgPIE: partial equilibrium model of the agricultural sector;
    Solution method OptimizationMAgPIE: cost minimization;

    REMIND-MAgPIE also features a broad range of technologies for the supply of non-electric secondary energy carriers, such solids, liquids, gases, heat and hydrogen, as listed in <xr id="tab:REMIND-MAgPIEtable_7"/>. Note that biomass is the main non-fossil feedstock for the supply of non-electric energy.

    Table 1. Conversion Technologies for non-electric energy carriers (Note: * indicates that technologies can be combined with CCS)

    <figtable id="tab:REMIND-MAgPIEtable_7"> Heat REMIND-MAgPIE.PNG </figtable>