References - GEM-E3

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Model Documentation - GEM-E3

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    Institution Institute of Communication And Computer Systems (ICCS), Greece,
    Solution concept General equilibrium (closed economy)
    Solution method Optimization

    Annabi, N. (2003). Modeling Labor Markets in CGE Models Endogenous Labor Supply, Unions and Efficiency Wages. Centre Interuniversitaire sur le Risque, les Politiques Economiques et l’ Emploi (CIPREE).

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    Boehringer, C., Rutherford, T.F. (2008). Combining bottom-up and top-down. Energy Economics, vol.32, Issue 3, 574-596.

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    Koopmans, T. (1951). Activity analysis of production and allocation. Wiley, New York.

    Kouvaritakis, N. & Paroussos, L. (2006). DYN GEM-E3: The Dynamics of Innovation and Investment and its impact on Policy Design in Energy and Environment for a Sustainable Growth in Europe. Report for the European Commission-DG RES.

    Kouvaritakis, N., Stroblos, N., Paroussos, L., Revesz, T., Zalai, E. & Van Regemorter†, D. (2005). Impacts of energy taxation in the enlarged European Union, evaluation with GEM-E3 Europe, Report for the DG TAXUD.

    McFarland, J.R., Reilly, J.M., Herzog, H.J. (2004). Representing Energy Technologies in Top-down Economic Models using Bottom-up Information. Energy Economics, vol. 26, Issue 4, 685-707.

    Paroussos, L. & Kouvaritakis, N. (2003). “Mapping Energy Technology and Environmental Regulation: A Multisectoral Climate and Energy Policy Assessment Model (CEPAM)", Report for the European Commission.

    Shapiro C. & Stiglitz, J.E. (1984). Equilibrium Unemployment as a Worker Discipline Device. American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 74(3), 433-444.

    Tobin, J. (1969). Wealth, Liquidity, and the Propensity to Consume, Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers 314, Cowles Foundation, Yale University.