References - POLES

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Model Documentation - POLES

    Corresponding documentation
    Previous versions
    Model information
    Model link
    Institution JRC - Joint Research Centre - European Commission (EC-JRC), Belgium,
    Solution concept Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand)
    Solution method SimulationRecursive simulation
    Anticipation Myopic

    EDGAR EC-JRC 2015 testing OECD/NEA 2014 OECD 2014 testing


    |reference=EC-JRC 2015 
    |citation text=Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), v4.2 and v4.2 FT2010. European Commission - Joint Research Centre. 2015. [1]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=FAO 2015
    |citation text=Emissions Land Use database FAOSTAT. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. 2015. [2]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=IMF 2016
    |citation text=World Economic Outlook. International Monetary Fund. 2016. [3]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=OECD 2013
    |citation text=Economic Outlook No 93, Long term Baseline Projections. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. June 2013. [4]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=OECD 2014 
    |title=Uranium 2014: Resources, Production and Demand. A Joint Report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency. NEA No. 7209. [5]
    |author=Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; Nuclear Energy Agency|+sep=;
    |address=Paris, France

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=NREL 2013
    |citation text=Global CFDDA-based Onshore and Offshore Wind Potential Supply Curves by Country, Class, and Depth (quantities in GW and PWh). National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 2013. [6]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=UN 2015
    |citation text=Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision. United Nations. 2015. [7]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=UNFCCC 2015
    |citation text=Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data, Flexible Queries. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 2015. [8]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=USGS 2013
    |citation text=World Petroleum Assessment. US Geological Survey. 2013. [9], [10]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=WB 2015
    |citation text=World data bank, World development indicators. World Bank. 2015. [11]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=WEC 2013a
    |citation text=World Energy Resources, 2013 Survey. World Energy Council. 2013. [12]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=Enerdata 2015
    |citation text=Global Energy & CO2 Data. Enerdata. 2015. [13]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=IEA 2015
    |citation text=IEA online energy statistics. International Energy Agency. 2015. [14]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=BGR 2015
    |citation text=Energy Study 2015. Reserves, Resources and Availability of Energy Resources. 2015. [15]

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=WEO 2015
    |citation text=‌WEO-2015 Power Generation Assumptions. International Energy Agency. 2015. [16]



    |title=Storage as a flexibility option in power systems with high shares of variable renewable energy sources: a POLES-based analysis
    |author=Jacques Després;Silvana Mima;Alban Kitous;Patrick Criqui;Nouredine Hadjsaid;Isabelle Noirot|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Economics
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Economics and Econometrics|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=System integration of wind and solar power in integrated assessment models: A cross-model evaluation of new approaches
    |author=Robert C. Pietzcker;Falko Ueckerdt;Samuel Carrara;Harmen Sytze de Boer;Jacques Després;Shinichiro Fujimori;Nils Johnson;Alban Kitous;Yvonne Scholz;Patrick Sullivan;Gunnar Luderer|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Economics
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Economics and Econometrics|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:EC-JRC 2014

    |title=ETRI 2014 - Energy Technology Reference Indicator projections for 2010-2050. [17]
    |institution=European Commission - Joint Research Centre
    |address=Petten, The Netherlands

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Using the sun to decarbonize the power sector: The economic potential of photovoltaics and concentrating solar power
    |author=Robert Carl Pietzcker;Daniel Stetter;Susanne Manger;Gunnar Luderer|+sep=;
    |journal=Applied Energy
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Civil and Structural Engineering|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:WEC 2013b

    |title=World Energy Perspective, Cost of Energy Technologies: 2013 Survey. [18]
    |institution=World Energy Council
    |address=London, United Kingdom

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Costs of meeting international climate targets without nuclear power
    |author=Vicki Duscha;Katja Schumacher;Joachim Schleich;Pierre Buisson|+sep=;
    |journal=Climate Policy
    |publisher=Informa UK Limited
    |subject=Atmospheric Science;Environmental Science(all)|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=White Knights: will wind and solar come to the rescue of a looming capacity gap from nuclear phase-out or slow CCS start-up?
    |author=Bradford Griffin;Pierre Buisson;Patrick Criqui;Silvana Mima|+sep=;
    |journal=Climatic Change
    |publisher=Springer Nature
    |subject=Atmospheric Science;Global and Planetary Change|+sep=;


    {{#scite:EC 2015

    |author=DG ECFIN
    |title=The 2015 Ageing Report: Economic and budgetary projections for the 28 EU Member States (2013-2060). [19]
    |institution=European Commission
    |address=Brussels, Belgium

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Consequences of Climate Change Damages for Economic Growth
    |author=Rob Dellink;Ramiro Parrado;Kelly de Bruin;Elisa Lanzi;Jean Château;Francesco Bosello|+sep=;
    |journal=OECD Economics Department Working Papers
    |publisher=Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development  (OECD)

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Low climate stabilisation under diverse growth and convergence scenarios
    |author=A. Markandya;M. González-Eguino;P. Criqui;S. Mima|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Policy
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;



    |title=A global stocktake of the Paris pledges: Implications for energy systems and economy
    |author=Toon Vandyck;Kimon Keramidas;Bert Saveyn;Alban Kitous;Zoi Vrontisi|+sep=;
    |journal=Global Environmental Change
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Ecology;Geography, Planning and Development;Global and Planetary Change;Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:EC-JRC 2015

    |author=Kitous A.; Keramidas K.|+sep=;
    |title=Analysis of scenarios integrating the INDCs. [20]
    |institution=European Commission - Joint Research Centre
    |address=Seville, Spain

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Locked into Copenhagen pledges — Implications of short-term emission targets for the cost and feasibility of long-term climate goals
    |author=Keywan Riahi;Elmar Kriegler;Nils Johnson;Christoph Bertram;Michel den Elzen;Jiyong Eom;Michiel Schaeffer;Jae Edmonds;Morna Isaac;Volker Krey;Thomas Longden;Gunnar Luderer;Aurélie Méjean;David L. McCollum;Silvana Mima;Hal Turton;Detlef P. van Vuuren;Kenichi Wada;Valentina Bosetti;Pantelis Capros;Patrick Criqui;Meriem Hamdi-Cherif;Mikiko Kainuma;Ottmar Edenhofer|+sep=;
    |journal=Technological Forecasting and Social Change
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Management of Technology and Innovation;Applied Psychology;Business and International Management|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Pathways to Mexico’s climate change mitigation targets: A multi-model analysis
    |author=Jason Veysey;Claudia Octaviano;Katherine Calvin;Sara Herreras Martinez;Alban Kitous;James McFarland;Bob van der Zwaan|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Economics
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Economics and Econometrics|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:EC-JRC 2005

    |author=Russ H; Ciscar Martinez J; Szabo L|+sep=;
    |title=Analysis of Post-2012 Climate Policy Scenarios with Limited Participation. [21]
    |institution=European Commission - Joint Research Centre
    |address=Seville, Spain

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=European climate—energy security nexus: A model based scenario analysis
    |author=Patrick Criqui;Silvana Mima|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Policy
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=edenhofer 2010th
    |title=The Economics of Low Stabilization: Model Comparison of Mitigation Strategies and Costs
    |author=Ottmar Edenhofer ;Brigitte Knopf;Terry Barker;Lavinia Baumstark;Elie Bellevrat;Bertrand Chateau;Patrick Criqui;Morna Isaac;Alban Kitous;Socrates Kypreos;Marian Leimbach;Kai Lessmann;Bertrand Magne;Serban Scrieciu;Hal Turton;Detlef P. van Vuuren|+sep=;
    |journal=The Energy Journal
    |publisher=International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)
    |subject=Energy(all);Economics and Econometrics|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:EC-JRC 2009

    |author=Russ H; Ciscar Martinez J; Saveyn B; Soria Ramirez A; Szabo L; Van Regemorter D|+sep=;
    |title=Economic Assessment of Post-2012 Global Climate Policies - Analysis of Gas Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Scenarios with the POLES and GEM-E3 models. [22]
    |institution=European Commission - Joint Research Centre
    |address=Seville, Spain

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Insights on different participation schemes to meet climate goals
    |author=Peter Russ;Tom van Ierland|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Economics
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Economics and Econometrics|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Energy and climate policies to 2020: the impacts of the European “20/20/20” approach
    |author=Loreta Stankeviciute;Patrick Criqui|+sep=;
    |journal=International Journal of Energy Sector Management
    |subject=Energy(all);Strategy and Management|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=The fundamentals of the future international emissions trading system
    |author=Loreta Stankeviciute;Alban Kitous;Patrick Criqui|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Policy
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:EC-JRC 2007

    |author=Russ H; Wiesenthal T; Van Regemorter D; Ciscar Martinez J|+sep=;
    |title=Global Climate Policy Scenarios for 2030 and beyond - Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Pathway Scenarios with the POLES and GEM-E3 Models. [23]
    |institution=European Commission - Joint Research Centre
    |address=Seville, Spain

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Post-Kyoto CO2 emission reduction: The soft landing scenario analysed with POLES and other world models
    |author=Peter Russ;Patrick Criqui|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Policy
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Impacts of Multi-gas Strategies for Greenhouse Gas Emission Abatement: Insights from a Partial Equilibrium Model
    |author=Patrick Criqui;Peter Russ;Daniel Deybe|+sep=;
    |journal=The Energy Journal
    |publisher=International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)
    |subject=Energy(all);Economics and Econometrics|+sep=;



    |title=Mitigation strategies and energy technology learning: An assessment with the POLES model
    |author=P. Criqui;S. Mima;P. Menanteau;A. Kitous|+sep=;
    |journal=Technological Forecasting and Social Change
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Management of Technology and Innovation;Applied Psychology;Business and International Management|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=A model-based assessment of the impact of revitalised R&D investments on the European power sector
    |author=Tobias Wiesenthal;Arnaud Mercier;Burkhard Schade;Hrvoje Petric;Paul Dowling|+sep=;
    |journal=Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment



    |title=Future perspectives of international bioenergy trade
    |author=Julian Matzenberger;Lukas Kranzl;Eric Tromborg;Martin Junginger;Vassilis Daioglou;Chun Sheng Goh;Kimon Keramidas|+sep=;
    |journal=Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=An Integrated Modelling Framework for the Forest-based Bioeconomy
    |author=Sarah Mubareka;Ragnar Jonsson;Francesca Rinaldi;Giulia Fiorese;Jesús San-Miguel-Ayanz;Ola Sallnäs;Claudia Baranzelli;Roberto Pilli;Carlo Lavalle;Alban Kitous|+sep=;
    |institution=Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Medium and Long-Term Perspectives of International Bioenergy Trade
    |author=Lukas Kranzl;Vassilis Daioglou;Andre Faaij;Martin Junginger;Kimon Keramidas;Julian Matzenberger;Erik Tromborg|+sep=;
    |booktitle=Lecture Notes in Energy Vol.17: International Bioenergy Trade
    |publisher=Springer Nature

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=The role of renewable energy in climate stabilization: results from the EMF27 scenarios
    |author=Gunnar Luderer;Volker Krey;Katherine Calvin;James Merrick;Silvana Mima;Robert Pietzcker;Jasper Van Vliet;Kenichi Wada|+sep=;
    |journal=Climatic Change
    |publisher=Springer Nature
    |subject=Atmospheric Science;Global and Planetary Change|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Bio-Energy Use and Low Stabilization Scenarios
    |author=Detlef P. van Vuuren;Elie Bellevrat;Alban Kitous;Morna Isaac|+sep=;
    |journal=The Energy Journal
    |publisher=International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)
    |subject=Energy(all);Economics and Econometrics|+sep=;



    |title=CO2 emission mitigation and fossil fuel markets: Dynamic and international aspects of climate policies
    |author=Nico Bauer;Valentina Bosetti;Meriem Hamdi-Cherif;Alban Kitous;David McCollum;Aurélie Méjean;Shilpa Rao;Hal Turton;Leonidas Paroussos;Shuichi Ashina;Katherine Calvin;Kenichi Wada;Detlef van Vuuren|+sep=;
    |journal=Technological Forecasting and Social Change
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Management of Technology and Innovation;Applied Psychology;Business and International Management|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Conflict and cooperation over access to energy: Implications for a low-carbon future
    |author=Philip Andrews-Speed;Coby van der Linde;Kimon Keramidas|+sep=;
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Development;Business and International Management;Sociology and Political Science|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Fossil resource and energy security dynamics in conventional and carbon-constrained worlds
    |author=David McCollum;Nico Bauer;Katherine Calvin;Alban Kitous;Keywan Riahi|+sep=;
    |journal=Climatic Change
    |publisher=Springer Nature
    |subject=Atmospheric Science;Global and Planetary Change|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:EC-JRC 2013

    |author=Kitous A; Saveyn B; Gervais S; Wiesenthal T; Soria Ramirez A|+sep=;
    |title=Analysis of Iran Oil Embargo. [24]
    |institution=European Commission - Joint Research Centre
    |address=Seville, Spain

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=The benefit from reduced energy import bills and the importance of energy prices in GHG reduction scenarios
    |author=Paul Dowling;Peter Russ|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Economics
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Economics and Econometrics|+sep=;



    |title=Climate impact of transportation A model comparison
    |author=Bastien Girod;Detlef P. van Vuuren;Maria Grahn;Alban Kitous;Son H Kim;Page Kyle|+sep=;
    |journal=Climatic Change
    |publisher=Springer Nature
    |subject=Atmospheric Science;Global and Planetary Change|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Climate policies for road transport revisited (II): Closing the policy gap with cap-and-trade
    |author=Christian Flachsland;Steffen Brunner;Ottmar Edenhofer;Felix Creutzig|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Policy
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;


    {{#scite:EC-JRC 2014

    |author=European Commission - Joint Research Centre
    |title=Climate Impacts in Europe. The JRC PESETA II Project. [25]
    |institution=European Commission - Joint Research Centre
    |address=Brussels, Belgium

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=The impact of climate change on the European energy system
    |author=Paul Dowling
    |journal=Energy Policy
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;



    |title=Diagnostic indicators for integrated assessment models of climate policy
    |author=Elmar Kriegler;Nils Petermann;Volker Krey;Valeria Jana Schwanitz;Gunnar Luderer;Shuichi Ashina;Valentina Bosetti;Jiyong Eom;Alban Kitous;Aurélie Méjean;Leonidas Paroussos;Fuminori Sano;Hal Turton;Charlie Wilson;Detlef P. Van Vuuren|+sep=;
    |journal=Technological Forecasting and Social Change
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Management of Technology and Innovation;Applied Psychology;Business and International Management|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Transformation Patterns of the Worldwide Energy System - Scenarios for the Century with the POLES Model
    |author=Alban Kitous;Patrick Criqui;Elie Bellevrat;Bertrand Chateau|+sep=;
    |journal=The Energy Journal
    |publisher=International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)
    |subject=Energy(all);Economics and Econometrics|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=EC 2006
    |title=World Energy Technology Outlook 2050: WETO H2. [26]
    |author=European Commission
    |institution=European Commission
    |address=Brussels, Belgium

    }} {{#scite:

    |reference=EC 2003
    |title=World energy, technology and climate policy outlook 2030: WETO. [27]
    |author=European Commission
    |institution=European Commission
    |address=Brussels, Belgium



    |title=Making or breaking climate targets: The AMPERE study on staged accession scenarios for climate policy
    |author=Elmar Kriegler;Keywan Riahi;Nico Bauer;Valeria Jana Schwanitz;Nils Petermann;Valentina Bosetti;Adriana Marcucci;Sander Otto;Leonidas Paroussos;Shilpa Rao;Tabaré Arroyo Currás;Shuichi Ashina;Johannes Bollen;Jiyong Eom;Meriem Hamdi-Cherif;Thomas Longden;Alban Kitous;Aurélie Méjean;Fuminori Sano;Michiel Schaeffer;Kenichi Wada;Pantelis Capros;Detlef P. van Vuuren;Ottmar Edenhofer|+sep=;
    |journal=Technological Forecasting and Social Change
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Management of Technology and Innovation;Applied Psychology;Business and International Management|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Marginal abatement costs of CO2 emission reductions, geographical flexibility and concrete ceilings: an assessment using the POLES model
    |author=Patrick Criqui;Silvana Mima;Laurent Viguier|+sep=;
    |journal=Energy Policy
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
    |subject=Energy(all);Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law|+sep=;



    |title=Co-benefits of post-2012 global climate mitigation policies
    |author=Peter Rafaj;Wolfgang Schöpp;Peter Russ;Chris Heyes;Markus Amann|+sep=;
    |journal=Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
    |publisher=Springer Nature
    |subject=Ecology;Global and Planetary Change|+sep=;

    }} {{#scite:

    |title=Public health benefits of strategies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions: low-carbon electricity generation
    |author=Anil Markandya;Ben G Armstrong;Simon Hales;Aline Chiabai;Patrick Criqui;Silvana Mima;Cathryn Tonne;Paul Wilkinson|+sep=;
    |journal=The Lancet
    |publisher=Elsevier BV
