Non-biomass renewables - POLES

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Model Documentation - POLES

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    Institution JRC - Joint Research Centre - European Commission (EC-JRC), Belgium,
    Solution concept Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand)
    Solution method SimulationRecursive simulation
    Anticipation Myopic

    Hydro resources

    Hydro resources are defined for all countries / regions. They constraint the development of hydro power (which depends on identified projects and average power production costs).

    Sources of information include: WECWEC 2013a, IEAIEA 2015.

    Solar resources

    Solar resources are defined as the maximum amount of solar energy that can harvested for the energy system. Solar energy in urban areas depends on the rooftop surface, solar energy in non-urban areas depends on land-use and distance to consuming centres. The resource is then used in the energy system depending on the economic conditions, considering network constraints. The model uses mostly inside calculation considering solar irradiation, land use, population density and urban areas.

    Source: Pietzcker et alpietzcker2014us

    Wind resources

    The model distinguishes between total resource and technical potential that is considered as harvestable, depending on distance to consuming centres and depths (for offshore resource). Total resources come from NREL estimates, technical potential can be internally calculated or also derived from NREL estimates. This potential is then used in the energy system depending on the economic conditions, considering network constraints.

    Source: NRELNREL 2013

    The system integration of renewables in the model has been tested in several studiespietzcker2016sydesprés2016st.