Liquid fuels - POLES

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Model Documentation - POLES

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    Institution JRC - Joint Research Centre - European Commission (EC-JRC), Belgium,
    Solution concept Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand)
    Solution method SimulationRecursive simulation
    Anticipation Myopic

    Oil products

    Crude oil production is transformed into oil products (one energy carrier represented in the model) with a refineries efficiency.

    Biomass to Liquids

    The POLES model differentiates 4 biomass-to-liquids production technologies, each described by cost, efficiency estimates and use of feedstock type:

    • 1st generation bioethanol and biodiesel;
    • 2nd generation bioethanol and biodiesel.

    The use of the different liquid biofuels is restricted by blending constraints (with oil products) in the various sectors.

    Information sources include: IEA, OECD, DEFRA, DFT, JEC

    Coal to Liquids

    The Coal-to-liquid production (Fischer Tropsch) is described by one generic technology (cost and efficiency) to which a CCS module can be added.

    The development of CTL depends on the distance between production cost and the oil price.

    Information sources include IEA, EIA.

    Gas to Liquids

    Similarly to CTL production, the gas-to-liquids production is described by one generic technology (cost and efficiency) to which a CCS module can be added.

    The development of GTL depends on the distance between production cost and the oil price.

    Information sources include IEA, EIA.