Uranium and other fissile resources - POLES

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Model Documentation - POLES

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    Institution JRC - Joint Research Centre - European Commission (EC-JRC), Belgium, http://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/.
    Solution concept Partial equilibrium (price elastic demand)
    Solution method SimulationRecursive simulation
    Anticipation Myopic

    Uranium resources used in LWRs are represented at World level only (sources: IAEA / NEA Red Book, CEA estimates, ..). An Uranium price is derived from a global supply cost curve. LWR capacity development is also constrained by the amount of remaining resources. Fast breeders development is contrained by the production of waste from LWR.

    Sources of information include: IAEA/NEA Red BookOECD 2014, estimates from CNRS/CEA/LPSC, ..